
A new design for the Model S in 2021?

A new version of the Model S has been spotted not far from Palo Alto, California. If the vehicle seems to come from Tesla’s factories and is registered in the name of the brand, it is not certain however that it is a definitive version of the future Model S. Nevertheless, this test copy gives an overview of the tracks envisaged by the manufacturer for the new design of its sedan.

Indeed, the video reveals especially the rear part of the vehicle, which seems to have undergone some major modifications. Thus, the new version appears wider at the level of the wings than the previous Model S and has new diffusers, closer than those of the Model Y. All the chrome parts have also disappeared,  as on the new version of the Model 3. Finally last “change ”  notable: the car embeds rims reminiscent of the 21-inch Arachnid model marketed by Tesla … and especially the one that was used for performance tests and record attempts.

What if it was the Model S Plaid?

This last clue is also what leads some observers to believe that it would not be a restyled version of the Model S but rather the “Plaid ”  version expected during the year. This supercharged version of the electric sedan had been confirmed after the battle of performance that the Model S and the Porsche Taycan had engaged in last year on the Nürburgring. Elon Musk had since hinted that a modification, including aesthetic, of his car was necessary to switch to the Plaid version.

Anyway, there should soon be something new on the side of the Model S. Another element points in the direction of a change: since December, the Californian manufacturer would have paused the production lines of its sedan. It now remains to be seen if they will restart for a Plaid version or for a Model S with a renewed design.

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