TeslaPimp is the publisher of the Service and will hereinafter be referred to as ” TeslaPimp ” for the purposes hereof.

TeslaPimp attaches great importance to the protection of your privacy and Personal Data and has always undertaken to use the Personal Data of its customers and prospects only to the extent necessary for the proper functioning of the www. (the ” Site“) and the provision of its offers and services. Personal Data means information that relates to natural persons, identified or identifiable, directly or indirectly (hereinafter the ” Personal Data “).

The collection and processing we carry out is carried out in compliance with the legal framework in force applicable to the protection of Personal Data and in particular, European Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016, (hereinafter the ” Regulation “).

The purpose of this Personal Data Protection Policy is therefore to present you in more detail our approach to your Personal Data, to explain the cases in which we collect it, the reasons justifying this collection and what we do with it (hereinafter the ” Policy “).

This Policy is intended to apply to TeslaPimp customers, prospects and visitors when browsing the www. (hereinafter the ” Site “). The Policy is an integral part of the General Conditions of Use and the General Conditions of Sale of the Site.

TeslaPimp reserves the right to modify, at any time, its Policy in order to evolve its services or to comply with any new applicable regulations. The applicable policy is the one in force on the date of connection to access to the User’s Site or at the time of any registration for the Services offered by TeslaPimp.

The User is therefore advised to regularly consult the Policy on the Site to stay informed of any new update.


TeslaPimp is responsible for the collection and processing of your Personal Data. We implement treatments dedicated to services and relationship management with our customers and prospects to allow everyone to customize the appearance of their vehicle.

TeslaPimp implements measures to guarantee the confidentiality, security and integrity of Customer Personal Data, and undertakes to ensure that its service providers to whom it subcontracts certain services guarantee the appropriate level of security.


Throughout our relationship, you may be required to provide us with your Personal Data, when:

  • you create an account on the Site;
  • you purchase our products or services;
  • you contact our after-sales service, make a complaint or more generally, when you get in touch with our customer relations teams and, more generally, during any other direct contact with our teams;
  • when subscribing to the newsletter, participating in marketing studies or a competition or when you offer to leave reviews on the Site and share them with the customer community;
  • When you browse the Site, we use cookies, small text files that are saved on your device (computer, tablet or mobile).


When you use our Site and services, we collect and process your Personal Data.

The Personal Data collected by TeslaPimp concerns the following data:

  • Personal data of civility and contact: surname, first name, telephone numbers, postal addresses, email address.
  • Vehicle data: make, model associated with your orders.
  • Connection data: IP address.
  • Data relating to transactions carried out on the Site: customer number, invoice numbers, parcel numbers, order history, sales numbers and order numbers.
  • Data relating to your communications with our customer service: voice, if you have not objected to its recording, the communications you have sent us and your responses to surveys.
  • Preference data: acceptance or refusal of marketing communication (offers, advertisements, promotions) from us, from our partners.
  • Payment data: TeslaPimp does not collect your credit card number or your financial data. Your bank details are collected only by the payment service provider you have selected in accordance with the legal provisions (Monetary and Financial Code-Art L. 133-24). All of our payment service providers are PCI-DSS (security standard for bank payments) certified.

A RIB may be requested to make a refund, in the latter case your RIB is kept for the time of processing to be transmitted to our bank.

When you enter your RIB you accept the registration of the latter and its transmission to our bank.


For certain treatments, we ask you for a specific agreement. When this is the case, you can withdraw it at any time.

TeslaPimp only processes your Personal Data for one of the following legally permitted purposes:

  • the performance of a contract, for example, to process and execute an order;
  • the fulfilment of a legal obligation, e.g. the retention of invoices;
  • where it is in TeslaPimp’s legitimate interest;
  • where you have given your consent to the processing of your Personal Data.

Examples of legitimate interests provided for in the Regulation include fraud prevention, direct marketing and sharing of Data within a group of companies.

As part of the security of its payments, TeslaPimp uses systems allowing automated decision-making. These treatments aimed at fighting fraud, based on several parameters (purchase volume, basket amount, frequency …), make it possible to establish a score of the order. The result established from this scoring and the elements of the latter are transmitted to TeslaPimp payment providers and banks issuing your means of payment for securing access to your accounts and payment of your order. This processing and the modalities governing its communication are implemented to meet the requirements of the European Payment Services Directive.


For processing purposes related in particular to the creation of your customer account, and the history of your transactions carried out on the Site, your Personal Data is kept as long as you are an “active” customer and for a period that may vary according to the bases governing the retention period (legal obligation, contractual obligation or legitimate interest. In all cases, your Personal Data is kept for a maximum period of (10) ten years in compliance with our legal obligations, for invoicing, accounting and tax processing purposes.

Your communications are kept for the duration necessary for the purpose pursued and within the limit of 6 months maximum for voice recordings and 12 months for communications by e-mail and / or chat. These recordings are kept securely and only authorized persons, within the limits of their respective attributions, have access to them.


We do not share your Personal Data with third parties outside of internal departments and entities of the TeslaPimp group owned directly or indirectly by TeslaPimp, duly authorized to process your Personal Data for the specific purposes referred to in Section 3.

However, we may be required to transmit your Personal Data to duly authorized external service providers with whom we work, namely certain specialized service providers for the following specific purposes:

  • banking transactions (e.g. banks, payment service providers);
  • customer relationship management (e.g. call centers);
  • after-sales service (e.g. centres of expertise);
  • Professional advisors (e.g. insurers, lawyers, auditors, auditors)
  • the delivery of products (e.g. carriers);
  • data hosting (e.g. your Personal Data)
  • informational (e.g. sending the order validation email); and
  • Customer experience (e.g. sending satisfaction surveys to measure customer satisfaction with our brand, opinions on our products or services).

For the latter, TeslaPimp and its subcontractors have the possibility to contact the User by email to invite him, without compensation, to submit an online review concerning the report/quality of the Product purchased on the Site or share their TeslaPimp customer experience.

TeslaPimp expressly invites the User to read the General Terms and Conditions of Use (GCU) which are an integral part of its Personal Data Protection Policy.

TeslaPimp informs you that Data concerning you may be transmitted to countries outside the European Union as part of our following activities: IT services (servers, cloud) which are located in the USA and one of our customer services (call center) located in Madagascar. However, when we use international service providers located outside the European Union, which have a regulatory framework regarding the level of data protection less strong than the European Union, all necessary measures are taken to ensure and protect the confidentiality of your Personal Data and secure the transfer of Data.


You have a right to information, as well as a right of access, rectification, limitation, opposition, erasure, deletion and portability of your Personal Data, which you may exercise for legitimate reasons, and subject to compelling legitimate reasons that TeslaPimp may justify to retain your Personal Data.

You have the right to request:

  • Access to and rectification of your Personal Data. Please note that you can view and change your personal information at any time from the “my account” section.
  • Restriction of processing of your Personal Data. It is important to note that this right only applies if you have a legitimate reason to assert. For example: contesting the accuracy of your Data, defending or exercising your rights in court.
  • Deletion of your Personal Data. Please note that deleting your customer account data will result in the deletion of your data and accounts from the TeslaPimp Sites in each country.

Once your single customer account is deleted, you will no longer be able to do so for all TeslaPimp websites:

  • view your order history;
  • view or download your invoices;
  • view your refunds;
  • use your promotional codes;
  • Make a return of new part, deposit or warranty, benefiting from the return label at preferential rate.
  • To exercise your right to object to processing used for commercial prospecting purposes. If you are concerned by prospecting:
  • by email, you can unsubscribe from newsletters by clicking on the hypertext link to unsubscribe, present in each commercial communication;
  • telephone, you can object to the use of your telephone number, by registering free of charge on the website.
  • To exercise your right to portability.
  • Withdrawal of your consent. Please note that the withdrawal of your consent, possible at any time, will not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out before its withdrawal.

You also have the right to formulate specific and general post-mortem guidelines regarding the storage, erasure and communication of your Data.

To be able to exercise your rights, which you can exercise at any time, your request for exercise must be sent to us as follows:

  • electronically to indicating your surname, first name and e-mail

Requests sent to TeslaPimp must contain your personal information identical to that entered when creating your customer account (surname, first name, email). A copy of proof of identity will be mandatory for processing, in case of request sent by post and / or by email address different from the customer account.

We will send you a response within one (1) month of the date of receipt of your request. In some cases, related to the complexity of the request or the number of requests, this period may be extended by 2 months.

In case of complaint you can contact the DPO of TeslaPimp by email at

If you consider that the processing of your data has not complied with the regulations in force, you may, at any time, lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority (in France, the CNIL).


We use technologies commonly known as cookies. These include, for example, HTTP cookies; “fingerprinting” (calculation of a unique identifier of the machine based on elements of its configuration for tracing purposes); Web beacons or other identifiers generated by software or operating system, for example.


A cookie is a file downloaded to the computer, tablet or other mobile device when accessing a website. This file can be read by its issuer for the duration of its validity. They allow the operation of certain functionalities (authentication, use of services such as chat, …) as well as to recognize the terminal concerned each time it accesses digital content containing cookies from the same issuer. For this purpose, only the cookies themselves are identified on your device. Your Personal Data is only recorded when you authorize it or when it is necessary for you to access the services offered.


IP address, date and time of connection, type of device, browser used, operating system, your privacy preferences, pages and products viewed.


The TeslaPimp Site uses four types of cookies:

  • technical cookies;
  • audience measurement cookies;
  • functional cookies;
  • advertising cookies.
1. Technical cookies

Our Site uses so-called technical cookies with the sole purpose of ensuring the proper functioning of the Site and providing you with the services requested. These cookies, essential for navigation, the ordering process and the use of our services, are not subject to your consent.

2. Audience measurement and functional cookies

Cookies are also placed to allow us to secure your connection, facilitate your navigation, measure the audience of our website and improve the quality of our services.

You can disable these cookies at any time by using your browser settings or by refusing them when presenting the cookie banner, but your experience on the site may be degraded.

3. Advertising cookies
3.1 TeslaPimp personalized offers

As part of its promotional actions, TeslaPimp has set up a personalized coupon offer.

Thus, we analyze your browsing history (purchases, pages visited, products viewed, basket amount, etc.) in order to offer you a promotional offer adapted to your needs.

This offer is materialized by the display of a unique pop-in specific to your history that informs you of the offer you can benefit from (promotional code, discounts, etc.). Just click on it to enjoy it (the amount of the discount will automatically apply to your cart).

You are free to refuse this processing at any time by closing the pop-in.

3.2 Advertising and personalized offers via third parties

In order to improve the customer experience on its Site, TeslaPimp uses third-party technologies and services.

These cookies are deposited when you accept them in the cookie banner that appears when you visit our Site. You can change your consent at any time by clicking on the “Manage my cookies” link at the bottom of the Site. (See below – Manage my cookies).

These cookies make it possible to disseminate information adapted to your interests on our Site or outside our Site during your Internet browsing. In particular, they are used to present advertisements that are most relevant to your interests, limit the number of times you see an advertisement and help us measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.


Cookies are kept for a maximum period of thirteen (13) months from their deposit on your terminal. At the end of this period, your consent will be required again, and will materialize by the presentation of the cookie banner.


If you wish, you can allow, block or delete the cookies installed on your computer at any time.

To do this, you can change your cookie preferences by clicking on the “Manage my cookies” link located at the bottom of the page of the Site.

We draw your attention to the fact that the refusal or deletion of some of our cookies could have the consequence of reducing or preventing access to all or part of the services offered on our SiteYou can also configure your browser software so that cookies are saved in your terminal or, on the contrary, that they are rejected, either systematically or according to their issuer.

You can also disable cookies depending on their purpose

You can also create lists of opposition to the deposit of cookies via the unsubscribe platforms of the NAI, the EDAA, the DAA.

Please note that TeslaPimp cannot be held responsible for the content of any hypertext links pointing to resources outside the Site.


Phishing is a fraudulent technique used by hackers to retrieve sensitive, personal and/or confidential information (bank details, identity theft, etc.) belonging to Internet users. To do this, they reproduce identically the design of a site or the communications (email) of a legitimate brand.

The most widespread form remains the sending of an email appearing official and whose content invites the victim to click on a link redirecting to a site that also appears official in order to communicate his confidential information.


Phishers send emails to a very large number of Internet users whose addresses have been collected illegally or composed automatically by specific tools. These emails include the official logos and typographies of different companies such as banks, e-commerce sites or Internet service providers, and ask the user to click on a hypertext link included in the message. The URL of the link included in the email is also “hidden” in order to appear authentic.

Phishing emails are usually threatening to their victims or contain promises or guarantees.

They often contain spelling mistakes, syntax errors or incorrect information about the customer’s references.

However, phishing techniques are being refined and modernized. The modus operandi does not change but fake emails become less rude, more often written in French and with fewer mistakes.


If it is an email from a company of which you are a customer (TeslaPimp, banking organization, Public Treasury, EDF, etc.):

  • Beware of forms in an email or on a website asking for banking information
  • if in doubt, contact the company’s Customer Service to determine if they are the official sender of the message


In general, never give out your credentials.

If you receive an email containing a link to an online form asking you to enter your Personal Data (email address, TeslaPimp password, bank details, etc.), it means that you have received a fraudulent email and that you are facing a fake TeslaPimp site.

TeslaPimpne will never ask you:

  • to provide your bank details by e-mail,
  • Your account password.


TeslaPimp reserves the right to modify its Personal Data protection policy at any time, and will publish the modified version on its Site.

Last updated March 14, 2023