
Supercharging and battery degradation, Tesla’s advice

Does the use of Superchargers degrade Tesla batteries?

The question comes up often and until now the answer was not very precise. Tesla took the time to deal with the subject and is now giving us tips on how to use Supercharging properly.

TeslaPimp has grouped the various tips below, they are valid regardless of the type of fast charging, say above 100 kW: Tesla, Ionity, Electra, Fastned, Total…

Tesla’s 3 tips for fast charging:

    1. Pre-condition your battery for faster charging
    2. Use off-peak Superchargers to reduce cost
    3. Reserve Superchargers for long trips to maximize your battery life

3 Tesla tips for Supercharging

3 Tesla tips for Supercharging

TeslaPimp’s opinion:

We have been charging frequently at Superchargers for 4 years (including 2 years on our current car), the degradation of the battery (A Panasonic) does not seem worse than on other Tesla. I would say that it is more the passage of time than the type of load that degrades. It may have played on a few % but it is not easy to say.

Our Model 3 Performance Panasonic 82kWh had 507 km of range on delivery. 22 months and 20,000 km later, it now displays between 475 and 480 km, a loss of around 5 to 6%, knowing that 61% of the energy added during these 2 years comes from Superchargers.

The degradation is therefore quite in the “norm” while I used Superchargers quite a bit. It might not be the same if I had travelled 50,000 km a year.

Battery degradation vs mileage

Battery degradation vs mileage

Photo: Thomas for BlogTesla

Photo: Thomas for TeslaPimp

Tesla still recommends limiting the use of Superchargers so you might as well follow this advice which will be beneficial for the battery and your finances. Don’t panic either, even with many uses of Superchargers your battery will not lose 10% at once.

Simply adapt the recharges to your use, the primary goal must be to be able to move easily without asking too many questions, this is the strength of the Tesla ecosystem.

And you, what are your Supercharging practices?

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